Take a look at some of the below info that might come in handy, and for anything else send us a message.
*INCOTERMS - The set of rules which define the responsibilities of sellers and buyers for the delivery of goods under sales contracts. They are published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and are widely used in commercial transactions.

*VESSEL TRACKER - Keep up to date on vessel location and port call ETAs using an AIS tracking website
We like to use the free service provided by Vessel Finder

*EORI REGISTRATION - If you want to import/export goods into or out of the UK, you will need an EORI number (Economic Operator Registration Identification). If you do not yet have an EORI number then follow the link below which will take you to the online application process which will only take 5-10 minutes to complete and submit. *You will need your government gateway login to apply - details here.
EORI Application - scroll down and click the 'Start now' button.
To check if an EORI number is valid click here.